Yorkshire Terrier standard |
Yorkshire Terrier standard
FCI-Standard No 86
Publication of the original valid standard: 26.03.2009
Standard of the Yorkshire Terrier
Origin: Great Britain.
Utilization: Toy Terrier.
Classification FCI: Group 3/Terriers, Section 4/Toy Terriers (without working trial).
General appearance: Long-coated, coat hanging quite end of tail. Very compact and neat, carriage very upright conveying an important air. General outline conveying impression of vigorous and well proportioned body.
Behaviour and temperament: Alert, intelligent toy terrier. Spirited with even disposition.
Cranial region:
Skrull: Rather small and flat, not too prominent or round.
Skrull: Rather small and flat, not too prominent or round.
Facial region:
Nose: Black.
Nose: Black.
Muzzle: Not to long.
Jaw/Teeth: Perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Teeth well placed with even jaws.
Jaw/Teeth: Perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Teeth well placed with even jaws.
Eyes: Medium, dark, sparkling, with sharp intelligent expression and placed to look directly forward. Not prominent. Edge of eyelids dark.
Ears: Small, V-shaped, carried erect, not to far apart, covered with short hair, colour very deep, rich tan.
Neck: Good reach.
Body: Compact.
Back: Level. – Loins: Well sustained. – Ribs: Moderate spring o ribs.
Tail: Customarily docked.
Docked: Medium length with plenty of hair, darker blue in colour than rest of body, especially at end of tail. Carried a little higher than level of back.
Undocked: Plenty of hair, darker blue in colour than rest of body, especially at end of tail. Carried a little higher than level of back. As straight as possible. Length to give a well balanced appearance.
Forequarters: Legs straight, well covered with hair of rich golden tan a few shades lighter at end than at roots, not extending higher on forelegs than elbow.
Sholders: Well laid.
Hindquarters: Legs quite straight when viewed from behind, moderate turn of stifle. Well covered with hair of rich golden tan a few shades lighter at ends than a roots, not extending higher on hindlegs than stifle.
Feet: Round, nails black.
Gait: Free with drive; straight action front and behind, retaining level topline.
Hair: On body moderately long, perfectly straight (not wavy), glossy; fine silky texture, not woolly. Fall on head long, rich golden tan, deeper in colour at side of head, about ear roots and on muzzle where it should be very long. Tan on head not to extend on the neck, nor must any sooty or dark hair intermingle with any of tan.
Colour: Dark steel blue (not silver blue), extending from occiput to root of tail, never mingled with fawn, bronze or dark hairs. Hair on chest rich, bright tan. All tan hair darker at the roots in middle, shading to still lighter at tips.
Weight: Weight up to 3,1 kg (7 lbs).
Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
On the Yorkshire Terrier “tan” means shaded of gold, not reddish gold, and it may not be either a solid color, or brown, or mahogany. (Only some of the hunting breeds may be termed “tan” if the coat is reddish brown.) Tan on the head, also the side of the head, and in the beard must be entirely free of grey hair on the adult Yorkie (from 24-30 months).
The color “steel blue” is defined exactly: the silky, straight and shiny coat reflects a bluish shimmer in sunlight. Steel blue may range from a darker to a lighter color, but not silver. A woolly, cottony, or wavy coat is not allowed, nor is a coat with champagne or white hair. Often a middle to dark anthracite is confused with steel blue (Yorkies with the former have hardly a correct tan). A Yorkshire Terrier of at least 24-30 months whose tan is already correctly shaded with gold and without grey hair usually hat a slightly lighter steel blue.
Orginal article by Yorkshire terrier journal